Finite Element Analysis is usually time-consuming, with a lot of data exchanged between industry applications. However, when built to be dynamic, FEA can contribute to engineering design groups by significantly reducing time demands and improving efficiency and productivity.
But, whether it is a 3D model or finite element analysis (FEA) simulation model, engineers must work out intelligent and controllable technical improvements to sustain the performance of a design. Let’s go a little more into how to enhance your FEA Simulation Model.
Understanding How FEA Simulation Works

The FEA simulation model helps investigate the effect of an individual, fluid, or force on a structure subjected to load by creating and testing numerous conditions. Designers also use the FEA simulation model to develop accurate simulations of aspects like structural assemblies, machine design, pressure vessels, and wind energy.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) studies or analyzes a phenomenon using FEA. FEM is a well-known technique for computationally solving engineering and mathematical modeling differential equations.
The FEM is a representation for discretizing a continuum-based problem in which the designers seek an approximation to the solution, usually one that does not require iteration. This approximation typically takes the form of a finite number of elements. Engineers arrange these elements so that neighboring elements share some degree of standard material and boundary conditions. The final step involves applying boundary conditions at the ends of the mesh, often the grid point coordinates. Designers repeat this process until they solve all equations.
FEM uses an analytical technique where elements of an object are modeled as small pieces connected by joints or nodes that can move about each other according to specific rules.
Why You Should Improve Your FEA Simulation Model
A simulation model is used to understand a design before putting it into practice. To fully assess the efficacy of our design changes, we should consider revising the simulation model.
It would be best if you improved your finite element analysis simulation model for many reasons. Some of them are:
1. Improve the accuracy of your prediction and avoid costly mistakes.
2. Save time and money by avoiding trial and error.
3. Gain more insights into your product design process.
4. Improve data visualization for robust results: decrease calculation time and accurate performance gauging over an extended period.
3 Simple Steps to Improve the Accuracy of FEA Simulations
If you want to step up your simulation game, these three easy steps can help you.
1. Take into Consideration the Geometry
The importance of geometry and material properties on the accuracy of the FEA simulation model is significant. Geometry is represented in the mesh size, the number of nodes, and the elements required to capture a piece of geometry.
Meshing is a process that generates an initial set of elements to capture a volume created by drawing wireframe geometry or physical measurement. Meshing the volume generates the mesh for finite element analyses. Meshing or not meshing specific pieces of geometry affects accuracy because it affects how many nodes or elements are required and how close they are located. FEA’s accuracy is linked to the initial mesh size and how many nodes and elements are generated to represent it.
For finite element analyses that do not mesh, designers use a combination of manual tracing of geometry or an existing mesh file as an alternative way to generate geometry. However, designers should note that this method will only produce accurate results if they mimic the real-world intricacies of the model.
Meshing helps with accuracy in FEA by ensuring that enough nodes and elements are generated to represent the volume. It also reduces the excessive computational time for the solver to create the mesh.
2. Keep In Mind the Boundary Conditions
FEA simulation models are used for both non-destructive testing and material design. These simulations are the most reliable way to identify material strength before prototyping or production. As such, they have become increasingly critical to materials design.
Although the FEA simulation models are very accurate, they have some imperfections that can be improved by understanding the boundary conditions for each test. For example, in a gear train system, there is a distinction between the load on one side of the gear and the other.
The first step in improving accuracy is understanding these boundary conditions and how they might affect each design aspect. In a gear train system, the load on one side of the gear is typically more significant than that on the other. Physical limitations such as friction and manufacturing tolerances cause the difference in load between the two sides. Force must be evenly distributed between both shafts to compensate for this difference.
However, there are only two options for achieving this balance: evenly distributing weight or torque. Both methods produce similar results; therefore, it is vital to understand how each affects the accuracy of a design.
3. Valid Load Applications and Iterations
The first step is to identify the specific loads on the structure that minimal force systems can approximate. The second step is to perform an iterative optimization procedure on these loads to converge one or more minimal force system(s).
To improve the accuracy of an FEA simulation model, the load application must be conducted appropriately. The load must be applied in a way that is appropriate for the problem at hand. For example, if you are simulating a beam with a slight deflection angle and significant bending stiffness, you would have to apply more force than if you were doing it with a large deflection angle and slight bending stiffness.
An engineer should know the properties of the materials they are simulating to determine loads appropriately. When conducting FEA simulations, it is best to use three equal-force nodes near each end of the section under consideration.
Enhance the Accuracy of Your FEA Analysis With the Assistance of Mechartes Professionals
Engineering project design is an incredibly complex undertaking and is often the cause of substantial delays in projects. The key to success at such a challenging task is to work with proven engineering consultants who can provide customized solutions and complete services from start to finish, according to your needs.
FEA experts at Mechartés have extensive training and experience in the construction of sophisticated design models as well as the resolution of complicated issues. We are available to work on various projects like conceptual design, advanced simulation, finite element analysis, stress analysis, and more.
Mechartés is a long-standing engineering company that has provided solutions for various industries for over 15 years. We offer engineering solutions at a lower cost than others so that you can focus on selling, marketing, or talent acquisition. Learn more by consulting with our most knowledgeable specialists.