Published On : October 21, 2024
CFD or Computational Fluid Dynamics is an engineering tech that solves and analyses fluid flow and thermal difficulties using numerical methods. The system permits HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and air-conditioning) design professionals to visualize airflow patterns, estimate flow distribution, and then utilize that 3D data to optimize supply air temperature and flow rate, lowering total cooling costs.
Over the years, the demands for data computing, processing, and storage have necessitated the rise of energy-consuming data center facilities. As a result, it is estimated, a typical data center facility can consume power equivalent to the energy consumed by 25,000 households.
In 2016, global data center facilities statistically used 416 terawatts or about 3% of the total global electricity consumption, and this rate is expected to double every four years (source: ACM).
These power consumptions are scary if analyzed and should be a cause of concern to the data center facilities. Thankfully, the reduction of data center power consumption and energy optimization has been the most pressing issue for data center designers and engineers to address.
Data centers, on average, spend 40 % on cooling, and savings using CFD can mean a significant amount of money saved. Here’s how you can save precious budget using CFD:
Proper management of the data center infrastructure is necessary to optimize energy consumption, and store/maintain large amounts of data with greater efficiency. One of the most crucial aspects to address is temperature management, which is the most vital process to keep the data center running and functioning optimally and maintain colocation costs attached to it.
For a data center to work fluidly, proper thermal performance is crucial. But it may not be entirely possible to achieve the perfect performance by prototyping and experimenting with setups. Furthermore, such prototyping can be expensive and time-consuming too.
Products are often more complex than before, and a single product failure might permanently harm an organization’s reputation and negatively impact future sales. So it’s never been more vital, or more challenging, to get it right the first time.
Here CFD thermal modeling kicks in. Engineers and product designers can use CFD simulation to create ‘digital clones’ and then digitally test hundreds of concepts. These include fluid dynamics, structural dynamics, heat transfer, and electromagnetic interactions in data centers and completely comprehend how and why a design functions in any particular scenario.
Since cooling systems are generally extraordinarily energy-intensive and often use up the entire energy of the servers they support, a well-planned and strategized, cooling system optimized to standard guidelines can significantly save energy and costs. This is what you can achieve using CFD data centers.
Using CFD in data centers, engineers can visualize and study the entire space within the data halls. Engineers can balance hot and cold zones to optimize server working conditions. At the same time, areas with high-pressure drops can be modified to reduce energy losses in the air conditioning system efficiently. Various cooling system control approaches can be realistically tested before being implemented in the field.
As mentioned earlier, the thermal performance of a data center is a crucial aspect and must be reckoned with.
Datacenter facilities should be designed following the guidelines set for data centers within the specified temperature range. For example, ASHRAE has set the recommended equipment intake temperature range between 20 degrees and 25 degrees Celsius, while the allowable range is 15-32 degrees Celsius (Source: ASHRAE).
Remember, this is the suggested temperature for the server inlets only, not the full server room. Because of the mechanics of heat transfer, the air around the servers will be warmer, thanks to the heat transfer dynamic.
Rack Cooling Index (RCI) is used to efficiently measure how well the data center’s temperature complies with the selected inlet temperature guidelines. RCI has two metrics: High End (HI) and Low End (LO). RCI-HI is used to measure the health and efficiency of the equipment at the high end of the temperature range.
The RCI-LO, complementary to the RCI-HI, is used to measure the health and efficiency of the hardware when the supply condition is below the minimum recommended temperature.
Making the right choice for your particular facility depends on various factors like power density, budget, room size, etc. Fluid flow simulation lets you find the unique and perfect cooling system configuration to best suit the facility and enable you to reduce your data center power consumption.
Using CFD or Computer Fluid Dynamics, we can quickly and accurately compare the performance of different setups of the server room facilities. At Mechartes, we use advanced simulations using revolutionary cloud-based CFD and FEA engineering tools to recreate the process.
Mechartes focus on providing accurate simulation results with a professional approach using advanced engineering tools. We provide Data Center Validation Services, including the pre-design stage, design stage, and construction stage.
Our specialty includes Data Center Architecture and Engineering. The different stages we design, and the specific technologies we use are:
Pre-Design Stage: We use External Flow CFD analysis for the chiller and generator yards present in the Data Center sites. We carefully assess the wind directions and weather conditions to judge the perfect placement of the chiller and generator units.
Design Stage: We use CFD Analysis to validate and optimize the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) design of the following areas per specific project requirements: Data Hall, Generator room, and DRUPS room.
Construction Stage: Stress analysis is used to analyze the existing piping networks as it helps diagnose the design’s compatibility with its weight, pressure, and thermal stress. We provide support and design suggestions for the most effective design based on the detailed stress analysis report.
For expert consultation on designing or expanding your data center, visit Mechartes website and get the best guidance adhering to all the common problems beginners face, all the way up to advanced tier 3 designs of data centers for mega users.