Design of Internals and CFD Analysis for Thermal Energy Storage Tanks - Case Study

Design of Internals & CFD Analysis for Thermal Energy Storage Tanks - Case Study


Isometric view of TES Tank 1 and 2

Isometric view of TES Tank 1 and 2

The objective of the study is to design the internals of the Thermal energy storage tanks (TES Tanks) and conduct CFD Analysis to verify the thermal stratification and thermocline thickness of the TES Tanks operation for the maximum duration during the charging and discharging modes. CFD analysis can also be conducted for the given design of internals by the client. For such application unsteady CFD analysis is carried out for the operating hours as provided by the client for charging and discharging modes.

Modeling & Analysis:

Contour plots of velocity in horizontal planes at the center and bottom of diffuser

Contour plots of velocity in horizontal planes at the center and bottom of diffuser

The 3D CAD modeling of the TES tank along with the pipe networks is done using efficient modeling tools. The slots are provided across the length as face patches. The pipe network geometry has several pipe junctions, which make it very difficult to create high-quality CFD meshes. These junctions are modeled as a one-piece volume that is meshed using unstructured tetrahedral conformal meshes separately. We use the same pipe network models to simulate the various cases of fluid flow in the pipe network on the top and the bottom. The initial boundary conditions are given separately for the pipe networks with mass flow rate and pressure outlet for the first and velocity inlet and pressure outlet for the second pipe network.


Contour plots of temperature in horizontal plane

Contour plots of temperature in horizontal plane

  • Velocity Profiles

  • Temperature Profiles

  • Animations showing the thermal stratification.

  • Thermocline thickness throughout the charging and discharging modes of operation.

  • Final Design of Internals in AutoCAD format

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